
Hi! I'm Holly.

I help authors sell more books with emails! Join my list for all the FREE email resources you can handle.

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It's Women's Day. My least favourite recognized day. Here's why.

Today is International Women's Day. It's supposed to be a day to celebrate women and all that women are and can be. But for me, it's not a day I love celebrating and here's why. Side note: This email is not about emails for authors. I have another life inside the start-up ecosystem where I coach small business owners to help them get their businesses up and thriving. The day has its roots in the early 1900's when women gathered and marched to protest inequities in the workforce and in...

2 months ago • 3 min read

I've been in burnout before. Twice over the past 4 years, so I know when I'm at the edge and when I need to pull back. Without going into too many details, my father had 3 urgent surgeries in one day and I'm the main caregiver along with my mom, who is recovering from her own surgery last year. And then just when my father was out of the woods, one of my kids had a quick emergency surgery that we learn this week if it's going to be a bigger problem and require another surgery. Add to that I...

6 days ago • 3 min read

I don't just write emails for authors. I also write emails for the government and entrepreneurs outside of the creative space and it's always really interesting to me how different yet the same executing these emails is for this segment vs authors. Last week, I helped a new non-author client get their newsletter off the ground. It had taken months to get to the point where they were happy enough to let their newsletter fly out into the world. Let me tell you, this newsletter was perfect. But...

13 days ago • 2 min read

Last week I sent out an email that referenced Taylor Swift and I swiftly saw (Did you see what I did there? Yes, I'm sure you did and you're over it already.) that Taylor is a dividing woman, even inside my emails. I had a lot of unsubscribes after last week's email. Not so many that it was time to panic, but way way more than usual. And as that number grew, so did my smile. And by the time the email had run its course, I was grinning and laughing maniacally. Because I like Taylor Swift and I...

20 days ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader. It may come as no surprise to you, or it may be news, that I'm a fan of Taylor Swift. If the sound of her name gives you ragey vibes, this email may not be for you. But stick with me if you can, because her email marketing team has done something that I think deserves a closer look. Last month I was interviewed for an upcoming podcast on the email marketing strategy for Taylor Nation. I had some positives and a decent amount of negatives and it was really a lot of fun. But now,...

27 days ago • 3 min read

Last week I landed on Mrs RoperTok. I may be dating myself, but Three's Company is easily one of my favourite all-time shows. Oh how I wanted to live in that apartment building and how freaking hilarious was Mrs Roper? For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a link to attempt to catch you up on the classic tv show, Three's Company. But for those who do know what I'm talking about, the one thing I'm so excited about when it comes to this...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

About 5 years ago I separated from my husband. At the time, I was writing 2 full-length novels a year and loving my writing life. It's relevant to note that I write contemporary romance. You may see where this is heading. In the midst of my divorce, I had a sixth book in a series due to my long-time editor and so, because I'm a #1 Achiever, I wrote the damn book. Even though I cried myself to sleep, was stressed out about finances and had two young children to try to help through the...

about 1 month ago • 4 min read

I'm veering off the planned sending schedule today for a bit of a spicy topic but one that I think is incredibly important and was highlighted by one of our members, Zee Irwin Romance. Hands up if you use BookFunnel to either participate or run multi-author promos? This post is for you and it's really important that you look for solutions from a place of growing your business, not making things harder, because for some, this information will feel overwhelming and scary and potentially very...

2 months ago • 3 min read

This is our final email in a 3-part series on how to build an effective double opt-in. If you missed parts one and two, click through to give them a read and then pop back over. This email is purely a demonstration. I'm going to show you an example of my double opt-ins in action. I'll show you what it looks like in ConvertKit first, then a secondary Mailerlite look. It's a little less extravagant in ConvertKit but it gets the job done for sure. 1st Email in Double Opt-In ConvertKit doesn't...

2 months ago • 1 min read

A few years, heck even a few months ago, double opt-ins were still something you could probably get away with not employing. I mean, you shouldn't have, but you could have still easily legally collected names and gone on with your life. But now? Post GooHoo requirements, without a double opt-in, you're putting the revenue you earn from email in jeopardy. This week and next, we're going to break down how to build one that doesn't feel icky and actually builds your brand. The Why? Marking...

2 months ago • 3 min read
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