3 Things I've Learned About Email

Hey Reader!

I've been working in the email field for a while now and I've learned a few things. In fact, it's only Tuesday and I've learned 5 things this week and was reminded of how important one is. I thought I'd share them with you today as I've just finished a huge project and am often feeling sentimental due to exhaustion. You know the feeling. The one where you pass right out after submitting your manuscript moments before the deadline LOL!

These are in reverse order, with the most important piece of knowledge coming at the end, so don't skip away! Read it all the way through!

In third place: Back up your list friends. Back it up. All the way. If you're fancy, back it up in segments, but that's not necessary. I've had way too many clients try to recover a frozen list since the Google/Yahoo updates and I'd hate for you to lose access to your subscribers.

In second place: Use a welcome sequence. Not only is it going to warm up your new subscribers, it's going to cut down on spam reports, which are only going to increase as life gets more and more overwhelming for our readers. When you welcome a new reader with a short and sweet email connecting the why they're there with the who your brand is, you're much less likely to be marked as spam.

Drumroll, please. In first spot...

You can ALWAYS come back and revitalize your email. It doesn't take long. So, if you've stepped away for a while (like me!!) or for a short period of time, it's okay. Start slow. BUT...step away if something needs to give. Writing the book is always more important. Don't put the pressure of the world on your shoulders.

The best thing about email is its ability to connect with your readers. When you come back, acknowledge your absence and dive in.

On that note, if frequent emails feel like too much but you do love sending emails, one or two text-based paragraphs, a link and peace out. It doesn't need to be this fantastical, wonderful piece of marketing art. It just needs to be.

Happy Emailing,


What's New In My World?

I'm very excited to announce that Advanced ConvertKit for Authors is live and ready for you to go through it.

A few things to note:

  1. A couple of modules are ongoing. I'm having a bit of a tech glitch with Facebook...is anyone surprised? I was connected and now, for some reason, it refuses to play nice with ConvertKit. I'll update you when that comes online.
  2. I also want to rebuild a re-engagement visual automation as I don't like the one I currently have. I'll also update you there.

Please let me know if there is a topic that you don't see that you'd like me to cover. Please note that a lot of the basics are covered over inside ConvertKit for Authors.

And if you'd like both together, I've got a bundle for that!

As ConvertKit is undergoing a major branding shift, I will be updating the course curriculum for both courses to reflect that as time allows and will add in any lessons that I think are useful or updates to systems already in place.

Hi! I'm Holly from Holly Darling HQ.

I help authors sell more books with emails! Join my list for all the FREE email resources you can handle.