Boxing Day Sale!

Here in Canada, today is called Boxing Day. It might have a name where you are too, but for me, this day has a particular name and a particular job.

  1. It's the day I put away ALL of my Christmas decorations.
  2. It's the day I put away all of my Christmas dishes.
  3. It's the day I buy things at a discount.

Growing up in the 70's and 80's, Boxing Day in Canada was actually on the 27th of December, but it made the switch to the 26th when I became a teen who had a good job and that job was at the mall. And never had I been so happy to go to work. Because for me, Boxing Day meant the craziest sales on stuff people actually wanted.

So, as you're reading this I'm likely deeply involved in 1. 2. and 3. so I didn't have time to write you a lengthy email and that would have gone against my December email length promise anyway.

Head to my website. Every course is 35% off today and tomorrow only. Those are the Boxing Day rules. And so I pass them on to you. (Excludes live webinars/masterclasses and private services.)

Grab that last-minute tax write-off and learn something new. I added 3 new lessons into the Mailerlite (New only) course earlier this week and one new lesson into the Kit and Advanced Kit or the Bundled Kit - doesn't's the same lesson that I added to them all!

Use code BOXINGDAY to get your deal and remember, it's over Friday at midnight.

Happy Boxing Day and thank you for being here with me on this wild ride every time I land in your inbox.


New Live Masterclass - January 3, 2025

I'm offering 4 masterclasses in 2025 and this is the first one. These are going to be a little different than my live workshops. 90 minutes for this masterclass on how to write email #1 and email #2 inside your welcome sequence AFTER the reader has gone to BookFunnel to grab their freebie or bonus. Super niche-specific, I know. But a very common build that I perform for clients so I thought teaching it would benefit a lot of writers.

I'm going to teach, then you're going to do, then I'm going to teach and you're going to do. Alternate until the 90 minutes are up. Come in for the full 90 minutes or stay for a short time and get the recording, or just get the recording. However you'd like to experience it, it's up to you.

We're building a 2-email welcome sequence. You can add more emails, but this class is only working on the first two and you'll leave having frameworked both out. Come prepared to work on your emails and ask me your questions!

Click HERE to learn more and book your spot!

Hi! I'm Holly from Holly Darling HQ.

I help authors sell more books with emails! Join my list for all the FREE email resources you can handle.