Are you ConvertKit curious? I've got news!

Big ConvertKit news!

Every time I get close to feeling like I'm in control of...something...things change. I'm reminded of a t-shirt I had when I was a teenager that had that famous quote from JFK on it.

"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future." JFK

What's changing?

Well, in ConvertKit world, there is one huge change and lots of little changes. They are changing their entire brand identity and rebranding as Kit. I do love a good edit!

Over the next few months, they'll be working hard to talk about all of the other changes they're making and as a devoted user, I'm really excited. The one reason I have always stuck with ConvertKit for my email systems is their ability to listen to their users.

From what I can see, there are a lot of new features coming that have been asked for, for quite a while.

There's the new Newsletter Plan, which offers a free version for up to 10K subscribers.

There is an app on the way.

Enhanced reporting.

THEY HAVE POLLS!!! (Sorry for the capital letter screaming. This one is one of my favourite new features!)(Scroll down to see it in action!)

And an even bigger Creator Network where you can find new authors to collaborate with.

If you want to check out how CK stacks up against your current provider, click here.

(Please note this is an affiliate link and I may earn a small commission should you decide to stay with ConvertKit.)

What's happening?

Every year around this time I remind you it's Inkers Con time. Last year, I had the honour of presenting an automation workshop. This year, I'm tucked up here in Ontario watching from afar. However, there are a LOT of friends and clients presenting this year that I don't think you should miss out on. Luckily for you, you can puchase the online version of Inkers and with my code, get $50 off the price!

Just click HERE to learn more. This link automatically applies your $50 discount! Here are the speakers that I don't think you should miss!

  • The Secrets of Successful World Building with Giana Darling
  • Writer's Antidote to Overwhelm - Becca Syme
  • How to Reach More Readers and Sell More Books With Facebook in 2024 - Matthew J Holmes
  • Any of the Bestseller panels!

Want To Work With Me? Here's How!

  1. One-on-one custom email projects. Email me by clicking!
  2. Email System Audits.
  3. Purchase A Course.
  4. Email Coaching. Email me by clicking!

I just want to close by letting you know that you are amazing, Reader. For goodness sake, you write books for a living. Your words have power. And you know how to use them. I believe in your ability to put words to your dreams. XOX Holly.

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Hi! I'm Holly from Holly Darling HQ.

I help authors sell more books with emails! Join my list for all the FREE email resources you can handle.